Motorcycles, ATV’s, Helmets, and Side by Sides 

Some wrap shops specialize in the challenges of wrapping off road or unique vehicles like ATV’s and Motorcycles. At Bayou Graphics, we get many requests to quote work that we do not choose to do, and as a result, we get asked why there are certain types of projects we do not pursue. While our team includes the specialists needed to do this type of work, we have chosen to focus on our commercial, industrial, and government clients. Many of our clients ask for advice on making these types of projects a success- so here are some general points on these topics.

Motorcycles and ATV’s are a challenge- for example the fairings and gas tanks on a motorcycle are very difficult to wrap well- the complex shapes (compound curves) make them nearly impossible to wrap in one piece to give them the sleek seamless look of a custom finish that clients demand.

If you own a motorcycle, if you are comparing wrapping vs painting, make sure you are asking questions to understand if the shop specializes in wrapping these types of specialty vehicles. Ask to see photos of work done in the past, ask them where the seams will be, and see what type of disassembly is required for the project. Most importantly, make sure they have personnel qualified to reassemble a vehicle that you trust your life to at highway speeds.

As far as off-road vehicles go- the materials used in side by sides and ATV’s make vinyl adhesion much more difficult than the painted aluminum and steel of a motor vehicle, and Bayou Graphics does not like to do work we do not feel comfortable backing with our warranty. This work can be done, but it is time consuming, and we cannot promise the type of perfection we can deliver on a vehicle wrap.

Finally, when you are pricing these items, bear in mind that the price for wraps (or any other service) is in part defined by the skilled labor time needed for installation – motorcycle owners sometimes do not realize that wrapping their seemingly small helmet and bike can take 2 days if the installer does the job correctly- compared to the same installer being able to wrap an entire pickup or van in two days. Because this work is time consuming and expensive and is not a good use of our installation resources at a large shop, only specialized shops can offer competitive prices on these specialty vehicles, but they will all reflect the labor intensive installation.

Even though Bayou Graphics has chosen not to focus on this type of work- there are several good shops we can recommend, and we are happy to give you advice on making your project a success, so call or email us at [email protected] to let us know how we can help you.